GWS Anderson Scout Park

The G.W.S. Anderson Scout Park at Officer
is owned by the Scout Association

History of the Camp

GWS Anderson Scout Park - Officer ( est 1928 ) was originally puchased by a group of five friends which included GWS Anderson the Assistant District Commissioner of the Malvern Scout District and first Scout Master of 13th Malvern Scout Group also established in 1928.
The Park being known as the Malvern District Camp until 1953 when the name was changed to the current title GWS Anderson Scout Park - Officer at a memorial ceromony at the Park given by the Scouting fraternity presided over by the then Victorian Scout Commissioner as a tribute to him upon his death in 1952 and the property title handed to Scouts Australia - Victorian Branch.
GWS Anderson having served the Scout fraternity as a honoured and highly respective member of our community and servant in the capacities of Scout, Scouter , District Commissioner and State Commissioner - Victoria the last position for some 20 years.
The Park consisting of some 50 acres and by agreement as a caretaker an additional 20 acres adjoining the Park previously owned by the Sate Rivers of Victoria and now a branch of the Department of Sustainability and Enviroment the properties are located in the rolling foothills of the Dandenong Ranges of West Gippsland some 70 kilometers from the state capital Melbourne in the State of Victoria - Australia.
Successive Park Park Managers over the years adopting the practice of leaving the Park in its original native state of being a timber area with native flora , fauna and waterways untouched including no internal fencing and remaining in this state to the current date and held by Local and State authorities as an example of what can be achieved to preserve our Heritage and physical Topography, Flora and Fauna.
GWS Anderson Scout Park - Officer (est 1928 ) being a section of Scouts Australia is a Not for Profit organisation managed by a volunteer management comittee.